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Contoh Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Tahun 2022/2023 Semester 2

Contoh Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Tahun 2022/2023 Semester 2
Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Terbaru Tahun 2022/2023 dapat bapak/ibu guru pengajar download secara gratis. Guna persiapan Penilaian Akhir Tahun yang dimulai mulai bulan juni semua mapel salah satunya adalah Bahasa Inggris SD. 

Materi Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Tahun 2023 mengacu pada Kisi Kisi dari masing - masing guru pelajar yang telah diselaraskan dengan KI dan KD Nasional (K13 atau pun KTSP). 

Penilaian Akhir Tahun (PAT) adalah sebuah kegiatan yang diadakan oleh Satuan Pendidikan sebagai wahana mengukur capaian kompetensi di kalangan siswa. Sudah diadakan dan dirubah istilah pergantian kurikulum 2013 revisi. Selanjutnya, fungsinya utamanya masih tetap sama yaitu sebagai penentu kenaikan kelas.

Contoh Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Tahun 20022/2023 Semester 2
Contoh Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Tahun 2022/2023 Semester 2

Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 berbeda dengan mata pelajaran tematik lainnya. Soal dibuat berdasarkan (KD dari Tema terkait) Kurtilas yang dipelajari oleh siswa Kelas 4 SD. 

Selanjutnya, Central Pendidikan membagikan Contoh Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD dan Kunci Jawaban berjumlah sesuai kebutuhan latihan maupun penyusunan seperti yang kami ulas di bagian atas.

Selamat mengerjakan
(Full PDF dan Kunci Jawaban di akhir artikel)


1. Afnan ... one brother.
His Brother is a doctor and working in the hospital.
A. has C. had
B. have D. his

2. Aura : ... apples are there?
Nova : There are thirteen apples
A. where C. how much
B. how many D. what

3. Annisa : ... any pencil?
Sahla : yes, i have three pencils in my pencil case
A. are you has C. do you have
B. do you has D. are you have

4. Ishaq : can i get your phone number?
Azzam : of course my phone numbers are zero, teo, one, double four, one, zero, double five, nine
A. 012 – 4410599 C. 001 - 4410559
B. 021 – 4410559 D. 022 - 4410059

5. Fadil and Hamzah ... the same hobby. They like swimming every saturday
A. have C. had
B. has D. his

6. The colour of our uniforms are ....
A. white and red C. white and black
B. white and green D. white and blue

7. The colour of leaf is ....
A. black C. green
B. red D. pink

8. ... seven apples in the basket
A. This is C. That is
B. It is D. These are

9. Hanif and Khadafi ... ten pineapples
A. had C. has
B. have D. has not

10. Eighty one + four =
A. eighty five C. eighty three
B. eighty D. eighty seven

11. A : do you like an orange?
B : ..., I dont
A. yes C. is
B. do D. not

12. Fatimah : how ... sugat that your mother buy ?
Aklima : My Mother buy two kilos sugar
A. does C. much
B. do D. many

13. Fadil : ... dragon fly are there ?
Adit : There are 5 dragon fly
A. how many C. how can
B. how much D. where is

14. Nayla has a cat ... name is meow
A. his C. their
B. her D. its

15. You have a new shoes.
This is ... new shoes
A. our C. him
B. my D. your

16. ... watermelons in the refrigerator
A. this is C. that is
B. these are
D. it is

17. Alma and Karimah have flowers.
These are ... flowers
A. their C. our
B. they D. her

18. It is Sabil.
Sabli ... on jalan baru
A. live C. life
B. lives D. lifes

19. Afnan : ....
Harist : i am Harist
A. what are you doing?
B. where do you live?
C. where do you lives?
D. what is your name?

20. Adina lives ... Bandung
A. in C. at
B. on D. is

21. Siffa and her family live ... jalan Marunda number 7A
A. in C. at
B. on D. here

22. Zaidan : ....
Darrel : i am ten years old
A. when is your birthday?
B. how old are you?
C. it is you birthday?
D. what is your name?

23. Zaidan : ....
Darell : I am ten years old
A. When is your birthday?
B. How old are you?
C. Is it your birthday?
D. What is your name?

24. Ibu memberikan saya hadiah
translate into english ....
A. my mother buying a banana
B. my mother is cooking
C. my mother is washing
D. my mother give me a present

25. They are students.
The students are .... in the class
A. playing C. cutting
B. studying D. planting rice

26. My Uncle is a farmer, he always go to the ... to work
A. hospital C. school
B. farm field D. police office

27. My mother stay at home everyday.
She cooks and does many kind of job in my house. She is a ....
A. a servant C. a baby teacher
B. a teacher D. a housewife

28. My father is a good chef.
He works in the ....
A. hospital C. school
B. restaurant D. police office

29. Mr.Anto catches fish.
He is a ....
A. fisherman C. driver
B. carpenter D. seller

30. The butcher sells a ....
A. vegetables C. fruits
B. meats D. groceries

31. Mrs. Ida is a .... she works in the market.
A. Green grocer C. Teacher
B. Nurse D. Police

32. Miss Riana is a good .... (penyanyi)
A. Dancer C. Bricklayer
B. Singer D. Carpenter

33. He is a .... (penjahit)
A. Soldier C. Tailor
B. Sailor D. Farmer

34. Mr. Adi is a doctor. He works in the ....
A. School C. Restaurant
B. Market D. Hospital

35. How are you, (in Indonesian) ....
A. Bagaimana kabarmu
B. Siapa namamu
C. Dimana rumahmu
D. Sampai jumpa

36. A : .... is your name?
B : my name is Ali
A. Who C. Where
B. When D. What

37. There is a .... on the wall (jam dinding)
A. Calendar C. Map
B. Clock D. Picture

38. There is a .... (rautan)
A. Eraser C. Sharpner
B. Pencil D. Map

39. This is my .... (ruang kelas)
A. House C. Classroom
B. Office D. Yard

40. There is a .... on the table (buku)
A. Book C. Eraser
B. Pencil D. Pen

Nomor Lainnya dan Kunci Jawaban di lampiran berikut ini.
  • Contoh Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD v1, UNDUH
  • Contoh Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD v2, UNDUH
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