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Contoh Soal Ujian Sekolah (US) Bahasa Inggris SD 2023 Kelas 6 ONLINE

Contoh Soal Ujian Sekolah (US) Bahasa Inggris SD 2023 Kelas 6 ONLINE - Selamat datang di blog kami, dalam rangka mennyambut penyelenggaraan US tahun pelajaran 2022/2023 kami membagikan Contoh Latihan Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 6 dan Kunci Jawaban sesuai Permendikbud No. 43 tahun 2021 dan SE No 1 Tahun 2021. 

Berdasarkan peraturan tersebut menyatakan bahwa kebijakan Ujian Sekolah SD di mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris diserahkan kepada lembaga masing-masing. BSNP dan lembaga pemerintah pusat diberhentikan untuk keterlibatannya 

Maka dari itulah, Bapak/ibu guru pengajar Bahasa Inggris (English) dapat menjadikan contoh Soal US Bahasa Inggris SD ini sebagai referensi penyusunan.  Sedangkan bagi siswa dapat mempelajarinya sebaik mungkin agar mendapatkan nilai terbaik.

Contoh Soal Ujian Sekolah (US) Bahasa Inggris SD 2023 Kelas 6 ONLINE

Contoh Soal Ujian Sekolah (US) Bahasa Inggris SD 2023 Kelas 6 ONLINE

Jumlah Soal US Bahasa Inggris SD dan Kunci Jawaban 2023 adalah 50 butir lebih pilihan ganda dan uraian. 

Selanjutnya Central Pendidikan menyediakannya dalam dua varian paket soal yang salah satunya berasal dari arsip ujian daring tahun sebelumnya. Silahkan mencocokkannya terlebih dahulu dengan kisi - kisi kurikulum 2013 dan materi sekarang sebelum menggunakannya.

Selamat mengerjakan.,.

File PDF (Lengkap 50 BUTIR) + Prediksi + Jawaban berada dibawah soal berikut ini

I. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer!

1. Kayla has one …

A. Cheek
B. Lips
C. Mouth
D. Teeth

2. Resya is a student of elementary school, she has beautiful …

A. Ears
B. Hands
C. Eyes
D. Nose

3. I use my … to smell something.

A. Leg
B. Eyes
C. Ears
D. Nose

4. Febri : Do you have eleven fingers?
Bagus : No, ….
A. I do
B. I don’t
C. I does
D. I doesn’t

5. Cantika : what is tounge used for?
Dewa Ayu : it is used for … the food
A. Smelling
B. Biting
C. Tasting
D. Seeing

6. … Has eight tentacles.

A. Squid
B. Octopus
C. Jelly fish
D. Crab

7. I take some eggs from them. They are eating corn, rice and seeds. They are …
A. Cat
B. Dog
C. Chicken
D. Eagle

8. Kirana : … your teacher teach english everyday?
Mietha : Yes, he does
A. Did
B. Do
C. Does
D. Was

9. Koming : do you … the classroom every monday?
Ayi : yes, I do
A. Swept
B. Sweep
C. Cleaned
D. Wash

10. Mr Bayu : What does your father do every morning?
Riska : He always … a cup of coffee
A. Drink
B. Drinks
C. Drank
D. Drunk

11. Wiguna goes to school by …

A. Bike
B. Pedicab
C. Horse cart
D. Motorcycle

12. There is a …. in Benoa Harbour.

A. Ship
B. Sub marine
C. Boat
D. Yatch

13. There are many … in city park.

A. Pedicabs
B. Bikes
C. Taxis
D. Motorcycle

14. Ms. Windy is teaching Math … of the classroom.
A. Behind
B. On
C. Infront
D. Among

15. My home is …. of the school
A. Beside
B. In
C. On
D. Above

16. Kadek is … the scooter.

A. Handing in
B. Putting on
C. Trying out
D. Blowing out

17. Komang has new toys. After playing, he is … the toys..

A. Turning off
B. Blowing up
C. Writing on
D. Picking up

18. My son is ... the light

A. Turning on
B. Handing in
C. Putting on
D. Throwing away

19. Mada : What … you like to do every weekend?
Kayla : I like to go shopping every weekend.
A. Do
B. Does
C. Was
D. Were

20. Mother : What does Bagus like to do on holiday?
Dwika : He … to play game.
A. Like
B. Likes
C. Is like
D. Is likes

21. Mitha : Does Agus like to play football on weekend?
Resya : No,…
A. She does not
B. She does
C. He does not
D. He does

22. Dayu, Agung and Putu pray in the … everyday

A. Church
B. Mosque
C. Vihara
D. Temple

23. Mr Arya and his family want to go to Lombok by ship. He must go to … .
A. Airport
B. Bus Station
C. Harbor
D. Railway station

24. Kaymita: what do you wear before sleep?
Kyandra: I wear …
A. Apron
B. Hat
C. Pajamas
D. Swimsuit

25. Dwika : what did you buy yesterday in the shop?
Adi : I buy … for swimming.
A. Jacket
B. Swimsuit
C. Shoes
D. Hat

26. Kirana : what … she wear for dancing?
Dewi : she wears traditional costume.
A. Does
B. Do
C. Are
D. Is

27. The weather today is …
A. Foggy
B. Dusty
C. Rainy
D. Sunny

28. Don’t play outside. The weather is … .
A. Sunny
B. Cloudy
C. Lightning
D. Hot

29. This month the season in Europe is … .

A. Summer
B. Autumn
C. Winter
D. Spring

30. Nindi : how many seasons are there in Europe?
Manda: There are … seasons in Europe.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

II. Read the text below to answer the questions No 1- 5!

The Seasons
Indonesia has two seasons. They are rainy season and dry season. Rainy seasons, usually lasts from November to April. Dry seasons lasts from May to October. In the rainy season, it rainy nearly everyday. The weather is cold. At the end of rainy seasons, the weather get warmer. In the dry seasons, the weather is dry and dusty espesially in towns and cities

1. What is the title of the text above?
2. How many seasons are there in Indonesia?
3. What are they?
4. How is the weather in rainy season?
5. How is the weather in dry season?
  • Soal Ujian Sekolah (US) Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD Versi 1 : DOWNLOAD
  • Soal Ujian Sekolah (US) Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD Versi 2 + Jawaban : DOWNLOAD
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